1·The spectacular show lit up the entire side of the theatre.
2·By any measure it was a spectacular show and the choreography amazing.
3·A flock of starlings flew over Gretna Green, on Scottish borders, putting on a spectacular show.
4·And Fangfeng ritual is one of them, which is just like a spectacular show manipulated by actors.
5·It grows well on walls or fences when trained horizontally on wires, where it makes a spectacular show.
6·As the day comes to an end, enjoy the spectacular show onboard with singers and dancers from all around the world.
7·To add to the drama, bright, citrine-coloured stones and billows of white gasses surround the 1km-wide aquamarine lake in a spectacular show.
8·A spectacular show of lights, sound and vibrations greet "a best friend's call, text message, a brother's new picture upload or status update, or a girlfriend's presence close by."
9·The fireworks show displayed during the rehearsal was especially spectacular.
10·As they show spectacular plumes of smoke rocketing hundreds of metres into the sky, these stunning pictures give a unique perspective of the power and beauty of volcanoes.
壮观的火山灰柱直上百米冲入云霄- - -这些让我们瞠目结舌的图片为我们展现了火山的力量和美丽。